Based on my experience, acupuncture is hugely underused and misunderstood by MOST Americans. Some of the most common complaints treated successfully (with acupuncture) are: Joint pain, esp low back pain, sciatica, Piriformis syndrome, Knee pain, but also good for pain in the finger joints. Its works (well) for (acute) carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, golf elbow, headaches, migraines, anxiety, insomnia, emotions ie grief, anger/rage, bipolar disorder, addiction (to alcohol or drugs or smoking), for losing weight, hypertension, Gastrointestinal problems such as GERD, constipation/diarrhea, insomnia, allergies, PTSD, asthma and skin problems. The list is infinite: this medicine treats each person as an individual, every case is entirely personalized. If you haven't tried acupuncture, and you "think" nothing is wrong, then you're still lucky; just come in for STRESS. You'll notice a big difference!
In briefly discussing NECK PAIN it is useful to distinguish ACUTE (6 months or less) from CHRONIC (> 6 mo) cases. The symptoms are similar in both cases; neck ache with sudden onset, rigidity or stiffness, and a limitation of movement in turning the neck from side to side. An underlying liver pattern is a predisposing factor for this condition. If acute neck ache is due to exposure to climatic factors, it is invariably due to WIND because this attacks the top part of the body and causes stiffness and rigidity. In ACUTE cases, distal points play a more important role than in Chronic cases. In CHRONIC cases, it is always necessary to treat any underlying condition the might be contributing to the neck pain.
Neck & Shoulders:
ACUTE: Distal points: SI3, (Expels wind) SJ5 (unilateral), GB 39 (very effective for treating the neck on both sides) .
Local points: UB10 (occipital, bilateral) , GB20 (extends to top of shoulders) , DU16, GB21(includes trapezius).
CHRONIC: Distal points: UB60 (Treats Neck, Shoulders, Upper Back) , SJ5 (for Unilateral pain) SJ8 (If pain involves 2-3
channels) , PC6 (combined with nervous tension) , KI4 (when associated with Kidney) , ST40 (involves the
Local points: *Same for acute cases
*SI9, SI10, SI13, SI14, SI15, SJ15.
If the shoulder is stiff, the channel involved can also be identified according to the particular movement that is inhibited.
If the difficulty is raising the arm sideways, it indicates that the LI (large intestine) channel is involved. If she or she cannot
touch the opposite shoulder joint, the the LUNG channel is probably affected. If he or she cannot twist the arm
backwards over the scapula (like for a woman who cannot clasp her bra strap together by herself) it denotes involvement
of the SI (small intestine) channel.
*The explanation above is explained in Giovanni Maciocia's Second Ed. Text The Practice of Chinese Medicine.
He's the author of several textbooks and travelled America; he worked with me personally at the PCOM symposium.
(Sometimes I would send him a photo of one of my patients tongue with a difficult complex diagnosis, and he
would help me out, from the UK!) He passed away on March 9, 2018; he was a giant in our field.
His work in bringing TCM philosophy, and methodologies, in a clear and concise way for modern practitioners ,is
remarkable and unparalleled . I miss him terribly.
Testimonials: (You can also read Testimonials on my FB Sacred Fire Acupuncture page.
(arm weakness/pain) I had an arm that was numb. The doctor sent me to physical therapy, 4 visits no change. I went
to a chiropractor for a year and a massage therapist, these didn't help either. Then I had 4 cortisone shots
in the shoulder and was told not to lift over 10 pounds. This didn't help either. My massage
therapist suggested I try acupuncture, which I did, and I felt immediate relief. I was 50% better after the
first treatment and I was told it was ok to lift anything. Wow I got to hold my grand- babies again.
I went once a week for several months, I now go once or twice a month. I'm feeling great, my pain
was a 10 and now it is a 1 or less. Thanks to Sunny, I am now in good shape. Joyce Thue
(Plantar Fascitis) Hello i want to start off by saying that six years ago I broke my ankle in three places and
aggravated the Achilles tendon. The ankle healed up but the tendon still gave me some trouble.
I had different people look at it, they said it was everything from my diet to arthritis and
there wasn't much they could do. Six months ago a friend noticed me walking with a limp, she
said she had plantar fasciitis maybe I had the same thing.She told me to cut down on my
potassium intake and that helped some but the pain came back. Then I had a friend refer
me to Sunny for acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. I was very skeptical but I figured what
do I have to lose? So after one treatment I feel a lot better and it lasted for a week, then i
had another treatment and I have to say my foot feels about 80% better. I plan to have 4
more treatments over the next month. I am confident that I finally found someone to
relieve me of this pain. Thank you Sunny. George Vermeer
Acupuncture may also provide a safe alternative to expecting mothers who are past their due date to activate labor.
I was suffering with (post partum depression), headaches, and generalized body/joint pain. I was, to
say the least, miserable. This was not how I wanted to feel with a beautiful baby to care for. Along with
pregnancy and a traumatic delivery, it felt as if my body had aged 10 yrs. After my first acupuncture
treatment, my pain had gone from an 8 to a 5. After the third treatment with Surrena.. I knew
there was hope. The pain, clouded- feeling of anxiety and depression began to subside as well.
I’ve had acupuncture before; nothing has been as effective as the acupuncture technique and
treatment I received with Surrena. She’s compassionate with a natural sense of connection and
helped me with lingering post-partum issues--I felt relaxed and comfortable with her, she sincerely
cared and wanted to help me get better and she did!! Thanks Surrena and god bless you!
My baby and family are happier too. O Leo.