Congratulations! You have decided to quit. This may be the most exciting decision you have ever made. Why, because deep down, you know you can do it, you can change. Yes, it's true; most people know that cigarette smoking is either the most difficult habit to break, or, as difficult as any other . So why are you excited? Because, your energy, your life force is about to expand and grow very quickly, and you know this. There is nothing more powerful than the mind, whatever you believe has immeasurable impact on your behavior. Once you decide, that's it! There is no turning back. Whatever is your current perception of what smoking adds to your happiness, remember this, its only a perception. Once you start consciously challenging your perceptions about the need and desire for cigarettes, anything is possible. There is a part of you that already knows this, you are waking up to your natural state of being, of the person you are meant to be: Healthy, vibrant, calm, and confident.
If you want to quit smoking but feel overwhelmed by the task, here are a few questions to ask yourself:
1. Why now? Do you really want to quit? (Are you experiencing pressure from others? Have you had a health scare?) Remember, this is your decision, no matter what; no one else can force you to do anything.
2. Have you quit before? What method did you use? How long have you been smoking? What does smoking do you for you? What different coping strategies are you aware of, or willing to try? What is the nature of your relationship to smoking? Are you concerned about weight gain?
3. Do you have an exercise plan? Is there anything you can add or eliminate in your diet that will support your quitting smoking? Do you want nutritional support?
4. Are you willing to make lifestyle changes; such as not skipping meals to stabilize blood sugar, avoiding cold raw foods that tax the spleen, and measuring your success?
5. How can you receive more support? From family members, journaling, taking a cooking class, and discovering for yourself what’s going to be the greatest challenge for you. Knowledge is power.
6. Planning for setbacks, dealing with cravings, and constipation: What will you do if you have a setback? Becoming aware of your cravings; are you hungry, craving sugar, salt, emotionally overwhelmed? What about digestive difficulties and/or constipation? Yes, constipation is something you can expect when you decide to quit, knowing this, it can be dealth with.
NADA stands for the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association. The NADA protocol was originally developed at Lincoln Hospital in New York to treat withdrawal from drug addiction. It is very effective in reducing cravings, relieving anxiety and the initial discomfort that can result from creating a new, healthier lifestyle.
Together with a sound plan, acupuncture can significantly increase your chances of success.
Ten acupuncture sessions are suggested over a two week period to maximize the effect of the treatment.
Treatment plan cost: $305. (first treatment: $80. A series of 9 consecutive follow ups, $25.each)
If you want to quit smoking but feel overwhelmed by the task, here are a few questions to ask yourself:
1. Why now? Do you really want to quit? (Are you experiencing pressure from others? Have you had a health scare?) Remember, this is your decision, no matter what; no one else can force you to do anything.
2. Have you quit before? What method did you use? How long have you been smoking? What does smoking do you for you? What different coping strategies are you aware of, or willing to try? What is the nature of your relationship to smoking? Are you concerned about weight gain?
3. Do you have an exercise plan? Is there anything you can add or eliminate in your diet that will support your quitting smoking? Do you want nutritional support?
4. Are you willing to make lifestyle changes; such as not skipping meals to stabilize blood sugar, avoiding cold raw foods that tax the spleen, and measuring your success?
5. How can you receive more support? From family members, journaling, taking a cooking class, and discovering for yourself what’s going to be the greatest challenge for you. Knowledge is power.
6. Planning for setbacks, dealing with cravings, and constipation: What will you do if you have a setback? Becoming aware of your cravings; are you hungry, craving sugar, salt, emotionally overwhelmed? What about digestive difficulties and/or constipation? Yes, constipation is something you can expect when you decide to quit, knowing this, it can be dealth with.
NADA stands for the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association. The NADA protocol was originally developed at Lincoln Hospital in New York to treat withdrawal from drug addiction. It is very effective in reducing cravings, relieving anxiety and the initial discomfort that can result from creating a new, healthier lifestyle.
Together with a sound plan, acupuncture can significantly increase your chances of success.
Ten acupuncture sessions are suggested over a two week period to maximize the effect of the treatment.
Treatment plan cost: $305. (first treatment: $80. A series of 9 consecutive follow ups, $25.each)