"Blood is made up mostly of iron, and iron is magnetic. When you move blood, by practicing qigong, and doing the 9-breath method of deep breathing, you enhance your circulation, and you change your magnetic field." (a quote from Jeff this weekend)
"Qigong's philosophy is to live simple and cultivate strength, which leads seekers of truth to care less about fashion and worldly objects. Enlightenment is deciding on what matters most and focusing on that. Aside from your Qi practice, visualize how you personally assist others in their healing. I believe Qi unites all of life and has potential to improve physical health worldwide," from Jeff's website, which I am in congruence and collaborate with.
The last time I trained with Jeff was September 15, 2007, which is when I got inducted into the Level 1 Qigong instructor hall of fame. It was also the same month I started my training for acupuncture at PCOM. Exactly one week ago today, I took the bus and trolley to the downtown library to browse around some books. The library on 12th and Imperial is a tough neighborhood, but if you've got the Qi, there's thousands of books on the shelf, just sitting there. One of the books I decided to grab off the shelf is called "The Five Elements of Self Healing" by Jason Elias and Katherine Ketcham. This book was published in 1998 but Jason got his acupuncture license in 1983. He is one of the predecessos; one of the early daddy's that helped bring the East to the West. This book thoroughly explains the 5 elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Water, and Metal. At the beginning of the book theres' a "Who Am I questionnaire" that delves into each of the elements' physical, psychological, and behavioral characteristics.
TREE people are woody. They are natural, focused, caring, patient, and ready to lend a hand. Good moms are always Tree People. They like plants, compliments, and like to hear sweet things. They are affected by smell more than the other elements, and they are morning people. FIRE people want attention, they will literally light themself on fire! Alcohol increases fire. They like to argue, and most likely you won't easily win. They have adrenaline, and they like to take risks. The are selfish, competitive, and they like to poke. In the past they may have been disrespected, so they need to be heard! They can be loud, combative, and fire people love the sun. METAL people are so damn successful, they are great with money. They don't forgive easily, and they want to solve the problem. They don't feel as much emotion as other the element people. They are disciplined, punctual, and retentive. The have their "to do list" on their desk, and they try to control the environment and everyone around them, but they tend to mechanize themself. They are happiest at the end of the day, when their to do list is done. WATER people are cosmic, humble, shy. They are sentimental, poetic, and hoarders. They keep secrets well. They don't take sides, and can duck out of any situation. They tend to find too much meaning in everything. EARTH people are expert relaxers, and are good at many different trades. They get along with everyone, and good at making friends. They are indecisive, and don't master anything.
"Food as medicine" is a highly under-rated and under expressed fortune or misfortune, regarding your health. Jeff has written several books such as "Conquering Any Disease" and "Food Healing: Cooking with Qi" . So, another one of the important features of his workshop is about the science of antioxidants. ie. Conjugated vs. not conjugated. The basic understanding of this is that electrons are the most elemental integral component of the presence of life, in each and every cell of your body. The top free radical neutralizer in food has the most double bonds. An an-tho-xan-thin, the flavonols, are water soluble pigments which range in color from white or colorless to a creamy or yellow color. They have 7 double bonds. An An-tho-cyanin is a flavonoid, which has a pigment of deeper color, like blue, violet, or red. They have 8 double bonds. The dark colored fruits and veggies, are by far, the best antioxidants. CAROTENOIDS are a class of yellow, orange, or red, fat soluble pigments, which give color to plants. All carotenoids have 40 carbon atoms. 40 comes up in scripture 140 times. These types of foods activate consciousness, and attract mates!
My word of the day (WOD) is senescence which means the aging process . Basically that means, Use it or lose it.
"The currency of life is not money, but light itself from the True Source, God. As more Qi animates our body, we become conscious creatures" www wealthplus.life
Qi: "When you look for it, there is nothing to see. When you listen for it, there is nothing to hear. When you use it, it is inexhaustible." Tao Te Ching