My work as an acupuncturist and holistic healer is in creating sacred space, both in the treatment room, and facilitating such a space within your own mind/body/spirit continuum. Creating safe space and trust is the most fundamental step of healing, which is really 4-fold: Self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-confidence, and self-expression.
The body is a vehicle for this life, and for this soul's journey, that is my conviction and my perspective. Physicality is the last segment of the energetic continuum, and source energy is where it begins. When we want to create change, it is wise to consider the source. We each have access to source every moment, which is where God is, the infinite, the One, the Om, and all the qualities of being that we desire; power, beauty, order, prosperity, love, acceptance, joy, etc.
So you might be asking, what does all that have to do with acupuncture? Although yours and my aim is initially to rid the body of some pain or emotional turmoil, the truth of healing, the truth in wholeness, is that we already ARE. There is nothing to get rid of, nothing to destroy, only that which longs to welcomed home, and loved. Life is a balancing act, the trick is always finding balance. We start by bringing consciousness to the breath, to that which breathes us. Eventually, we learn how to bring consciousness to thought, emotion, and vibration. That's where the fun is!
And that's where I enter with my needles, moxibustion, lamps, cupping and herbs. The purpose of acupuncture is to manipulate the qi. It is powerful, potent, and instantaneous. There is no need for drugs, or to wait for a chemical reaction to take place, because the body is already a giant qi machine. There is organ qi, meridian qi, blood qi, liver qi (which encompasses the emotions), there is environmental qi, family qi, food qi, and death, or no qi. There is not good qi or bad qi however, because qi energy is vibration, and we are all vibrating in a way that we think will get us what we want....thus the Great Mystery. The problem is always at the level of thought, of mind, and mind is where ego lives. In order to bypass ego, we must play at the level of energy, not agenda. Many of us know this already, and acupuncturists are acutely aware of it. If you want to create intimacy with your own qi mechanisms, your soul's purpose, as well as how to flow through the daily challenges of your life, then receiving acupuncture is the perfect tool. Make no mistake, pain, stress, imbalance and disease will naturally flow away, but that is where curing ends, and healing begins and never ends. I invite you to join me on this journey together. If you have not yet begun, you have nothing to lose and no time to wait. Believe me.